Annual Submission Periods
June 1st - July 4th
November 1st - December 31st
Submit up to three poems of your own lived experience within one file via our submission manager at Duosuma. We are also open to experimental forms. We aim to respond quickly.
Simultaneous submissions are permitted and encouraged.
We request First Rights. No previously published work, please.
We are the place for nonfiction poetry of experience.
The work must be your own and the personal experiences must belong to you as well.
Submit one travel story between 800 - 1200 words.
In order to get the accuracy down for necessary image and tension making,
the experience must be your own though the story itself can be a work of fiction or creative nonfiction.
The places can be familiar and in your own town or experiences from your travels.
Submit one review of a collection of poems, prose and/or translations based on travels up to 1500 words.
VISUAL ART (Multi-Genre submissions are encouraged though not required)
Please do include either a photograph that places us in the room, or an image of a work of visual art you've created that was inspired by your travels. These may be linked to your poem, essay or story or a standalone independent visual series.
Submit up to three artworks in .jpeg, .tiff, .png, or .pdf file formats, 300ppi
Art series, photo essays, and any other long-form visual storytelling accepted and encouraged, (only 1 submission per artist allowed, submit in .pdf file format). Long-form visual projects must hold unified themes, tell a story, and be sequenced in desired order. The work must be your own, and the experience as well.
AI generated artwork not accepted.
Accepted physical artwork that has been photographed may be asked to be rephotographed or scanned if it does not meet quality standards.
Outside of a free copy of the magazine for contributors, there is no extra payment available at this time.
There is no fee to submit to us, tips are optional though very much appreciated and needed.
All contributors shall receive a print copy of the issue in which their work appears.
*The use of AI technology is forbidden here.
We request First Rights. No previously published work, please.
No postal submissions, please.
We only accept submissions via our Duosuma Submission Manager, fee free or tip jar.
If you are unable to use this system for any reason and live in or near Research Triangle Park, we welcome you to drop off your poems or prose on the front stoop of the only visible playhouse on Duplin Road in Raleigh. You may also leave them in the Raleigh Review Free Little Library in front of the playhouse on the street. If you choose this option, send us a text so we can confirm receipt of your submission.
Thank you to our sponsors at Raleigh Review, and for your interest in our magazine—The Fool's World.
©2024 to Present The Fool's World Magazine
ISSN 2998- 4858
This Project is Sponsored by Raleigh Review